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Pre-Conference Workshops

Thursday April 9, 2015  0800-1200 Friday April 10, 2015 0800-1200
Recognition & Management of Athletic Related Orthopedic Injuries  

Audience:  All EMS Personnel  

Do you volunteer or help with sports at the local school? This workshop will help you better assess and manage athletic related orthopedic  injuries.  

" Live" from the Streets, Interactive Case Studies

Audience:  All EMS Personnel

You Solve and Treat!

This session will deal with multiple “live “ interactive video case studies. Videos were actually put on the rigs and “live” scenes were shot! Together, we will offer the initial assessment, scene development, develop a Sick/Not Sick decision and treat the patient by offering both BLS and ALS interventions.


                         Thursday April 9, 2015  0800-1200                                                           Friday April 10, 2015 0800-1200

Basic Trauma Skills

Audience:  All EMS Personnel  

This four hour workshop will focus on the BLS trauma skills. Skills to be practiced include long backboard immobilization, long bone splinting, and the team approach to trauma  

Recognition & Management of Sport Related Concussion Injuries

Audience:  All EMS Personnel

Sports related concussion injuries is a timely topic. Come hear the latest information that will enable you to better recognize and manage concussion injuries.  

Thursday April 9, 2015  0800-1200

Friday April 10, 2015 1300-1700

High Performance CPR ECGs And The Unknown: Conflicts, Controversy and Contradictions

Audience: ALS / ILS Personnel

ECGs, especially those of the 12-lead variety, are not always what they appear to be. Take a myth-busting journey into the seemingly safe but sometimes dangerous world of first degree blocks, ST segment elevations that are not infarcts and the wide-complex tachycardias that are not ventricular. FInd out why atropine could work in a third-degree heart-block and adenosine in a wide-complex tachycardia. Find out how to be safe when venturing onto the planet of Brugada and into other worlds of the unknown. 


Audience:  All EMS Personnel

(HP-CPR) is a “newly developed” program from Seattle designed to improve survival from cardiac arrest. Scientific studies convincingly show that letter perfect CPR, minimal breaks in compressions, full recoil, adequate depth, and adequate compression rate are all factors that can increase survival from cardiac arrest. HP-CPR teaches you how to incorporate these critical factors and helps guide you to a more successful resuscitation. This course will offer the initial tools and content needed to achieve high performance CPR (HP-CPR) on your next resuscitation and teach YOU how to incorporate this technique into your own EMS system!

HP-CPR is a choreographedcardiac resuscitation. This newly developed program from Seattle is designed to improve survival from cardiac arrest. It takes the new science of CPR and delivers a hands-on experience that will truly make a difference on how you run a resuscitation!

HP-CPR is NOT a standard CPR is the “future” of cardiac resuscitation. This course will teach you how to incorporate these critical skills and help guide you to a more successful resuscitation.


Friday April 10, 2015 1300-1700

Thursday April 9, 2015  1300-1700

Pediatric Trauma and Medical Skills Workshop

12 Lead ECG's

Audience: ALS / ILS Personnel

Now it is time to take it to the next level. These workshops will examine topics will help you fine tune your skills and increase your confidence in diagnosing more challenging 12 Lead ECGs.  

Audience:  All EMS Personnel  
If you want to refresh your basic trauma skills with pediatrics, this is the workshop! Participants will get plenty of hands on practice with some scenario based training reinforcing the pediatric trauma assessment and packaging skills 

Thursday April 9, 2015  1300-1700

Friday April 10, 2015 -0800-1700

BLS Cardiac and Airway Skills

Audience:  All EMS Personnel  

This four hour workshop will focus on the skills BLS skills needed to manage a cardiac event, including a cardiac arrest. Skills to be practiced include defibrillation, airway management, and the team approach drug therapy.

Intermediate Cardiac Life Support

Audience: EMT-Intermediates, AEMT

EMT-Intermediate ACLS is designed for any advanced life support health care provider.  In this classroom setting the students will be presented lectures on the AHA ECC Algorithms and how they would apply to a presenting patient.  Also during this eight hour session of Intermediate ACLS the students will be presented with case scenarios that they will work through as a Team Leader and as a Team member.  Four lead ECG as well as some Twelve lead ECG recognition and interpretation will be presented to the students.  Pharmacology is also a big part of the lectures and of the practical hands on stations. 


Last modified: January 06, 2014